The importance of women-led responses to conflict and crisis

Words by Life at MECCA M-POWER
Tuesday 14 November 2023

The importance of women-led responses to conflict and crises

in a world plagued with recurring crises - whether they be natural disasters or conflicts - women and girls are often hit hardest. They are more likely to be victims of gender/family-based violence or sexual assault, experience financial strain, be rendered homeless, be left with the brunt of familial responsibility, or face other dire consequences as a result of restrictive gender roles and stereotypes.

So, what is the solution? It’s putting women and girls at the forefront of leading emergency responses to these kinds of events. And this is exactly the approach that MECCA M-POWER partner ActionAid is taking through its Arise Fund. Established in 2017, Arise began with a simple premise: what if we could transform disasters into opportunities to drive gender equality? By scaling up investment in women’s leadership and equipping communities for disaster preparedness, we can save lives and transform women's status in society. 

The results are compelling! To date, Arise has trained more than 36,000 women in 22 countries, to prepare and lead in disaster response, reaching 3.8 million people worldwide.

Scroll down and click on the report Arise Impact Report 2023 below, to find out how ActionAid is continuing its work to progress gender equality.

Arise Report