International Women’s Development Agency

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International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) was founded in 1985 with the goal of defending and advancing the rights of diverse women and girls in Australia and internationally.

IWDA works in partnership with 26 women-led organisations in Asia and the Pacific, as well as part of alliances to advance gender equality. IWDA also contributes to global feminist movements to realise a truly equal, just and sustainable future for all.

Young person smiles and holds fist in air

“Together we are powerful. Feminist movements, like the #MeToo movement, have driven transformative change for diverse women throughout history. IWDA invests in the power of movements, creating real change in our region and the world.”

Bettina Baldeschi, CEO

Bettina Baldeschi


MECCA M-POWER stylised bullet point

Research on 70 countries over 4 decades showed that the existence of strong feminist movements was the most significant factor in a country’s response to violence against women

MECCA M-POWER stylised bullet point

Over the last year at IWDA:

  • 1,949 women were supported to attain leadership positions
  • 3,598 women survivors of violence accessed support services
  • 25,008 people participated in sessions on gender equality



MECCA M-POWER does not receive or collect any donations made on our via this website. All donations made are received directly by International Women’s Development Agency to defend and advance the rights of women globally.

$3,668 raised

$25,000 Goal

$3,668 raised

$25,000 Goal

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Feminist Movement Strengthening Framework