Karrkad Kanjdji Trust

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Karrkad Kanjdji Trust’s Indigenous women’s ranger programs protect, restore and enhance the unique natural and cultural environment of Arnhem Land, NT.

These women rangers work to prevent and fight wildfires, reduce the impact of feral animals, stop the incursion of weeds, document and protect sacred sites, teach children how to care for their homelands, monitor and care for native species, and record knowledge and stories with Elders. 

For women, ranger programs provide flexible, meaningful and culturally significant employment opportunities in the remote areas of Mimal and Wardekken – where few other employment opportunities exist.

“Knowing that what we’re doing is making a change, that’s the main thing. Getting everyone back on Country and looking after the Country. I love being outdoors… meeting new people and sharing knowledge. It’s good to be working on Country, it makes you feel good.”

Jasmine Daly, Mimal Ranger

Jasmine Daly smiling


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Globally, Indigenous people account for less than 5% of the world’s population and yet protect approximately 80% of the world’s remaining biodiversity

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In 2016, KKT funded the region’s first women's ranger coordinator and within one year, women’s participation in the workforce increased from 18% to 40%

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Rangers at Warddeken and Mimal cover almost 35,000 sq km of country – an area larger than Belgium, or about the same as Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane combined

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By managing the land with fire, Arnhem Land's ranger groups reduce carbon emissions equivalent to taking 140,000 cars off the road every year

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Studies show that greater involvement of women in local decision-making leads to better land management and conservation outcomes



MECCA M-POWER does not receive or collect any donations made on or via this website. All donations made are received directly by KKT to support the Women’s Ranger programs at Mimal and Wardekken.

$6,490 raised

$25,000 Goal

$6,490 raised

$25,000 Goal

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2022 Women Rangers Overview


KKT Annual Report 2021


Warddeken Plan of Management 2021–2025